====== Session Laps ====== This view shows details of all the recorded laps in a session. {{ :manual:page-session-view-laps.png?direct |Session View - Laps}} Selecting one lap you can access the [[lap-view|detailed telemetry data]] view; it includes [[lap-chart|charts]], [[lap-track|track views]], the [[comparison-mode|comparison mode]] and many other features useful to analyze the recorded data. When a race begins before the starting line, the special icon {{:manual:special-start-lap-icon.png|}} is used instead of the //Lap Number//. Usually only a few hundred meters of data are stored for this entry. The //Position// is the race position reported by the game at the end of the lap, with an icon showing the variation relative to the start of the lap. ===== Delete a lap ===== To delete a lap: * on desktop: right click on the row you want to delete, then select the //Delete// action. * on mobile: swipe to the left the row you want to delete, this will unveil a context menu. Tap on the //Delete// icon.