====== Telemetry sessions ====== This view shows the list of all recorded telemetries for a game. {{ :manual:page-telemetry-sessions.png?direct |}} Selecting a session will open the [[session-view]], giving you access to all the recorded data for that session. To record a new session, press the //Record// button and follow the instructions at [[recording]]. ===== Menu ===== {{:manual:icon-import.png?nolink|}} Import a telemetry file (extension ''.SRT''). See [[import-telemetry]]. {{:manual:icon-filter.png?nolink|}} Filters the list of shown sessions, to easily find the wanted telemetries. ===== Delete a session ===== To delete a session: * on mobile: swipe to the left the row you want to delete, this will unveil a context menu. Tap on the //Delete// icon. * on desktop: right click on the row you want to delete, then select the //Delete// action.