====== Telemetry Parameters ====== ===== Parameter Selection ===== The parameter selection window provides a searchable list of telemetry parameters with toggles to enable and disable them for customising the various data views and charts in Sim Racing Telemetry. {{ :manual:window-parameters.png?direct&400 |Parameter Selection Window}} ===== Stats Configuration ===== The stats configuration page is used for setting up and customising the [[session-stats]] and [[lap-stats]] pages. It displays the currently configured stats as well as an empty final row for creating a new parameter stat. {{ :manual:stats-setup.png?direct |Stats Configuration Page}} To configure a new stat: * Select the dropdown arrow in the last empty row of the //Parameter// column and select a parameter from the list. * Select the dropdown arrow in the last empty row of the //Statistic// column and select a statistical option from the list. To remove a stat, simply press the minus button in front of the row.