Games may require certain settings to be enabled and configured for broadcasting telemetry, and for broadcasting data over a network (e.g. to the SRT mobile app). See the game specific help on the recording screen for more detailed instructions.
Once configured, recording telemetry in SRT is as simple as pressing start on the record screen and playing the game. SRT will automatically detect and separate individual sessions (e.g. races, qualifying, practice), so there's no need to keep starting and stopping the recording.
To record data:
Note: SRT will only record completed timed laps (incomplete and/or non-timed laps are discarded), so ensure to finish your timed laps to see them in the final recording.
Recorded sessions will be displayed in the Telemetry Sessions page for the game.
Opening a session will show the the Session View page where you can see the recorded laps and some summary charts of the recorded session telemetry.
Selecting a lap will open the Lap View where you can see various detailed telemetry reports for the lap and compare to telemetry from other recorded laps.