Sim Racing Telemetry Docs

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Lap View

From this view you have access to all the telemetry data about a recorded lap.

 Lap View - Charts


You can access several sub-screens:

 Charts Lap Charts - customizable charts that displaying the recorded telemetry for the lap.

 Track Lap Track - a visualization of the recorded lap telemetry on a map of the track.

 Table Lap Table - a table displaying the numerical recorded lap telemetry.

 Stats Lap Stats - customizable numerical statistics of telemetry parameters.

Position Slider

The position slider is available in the Lap Charts, Lap Track, and Lap Table sub-screens. It allows you to focus in on a particular point in the lap.

It's position can be changed with a common slider at the bottom of the screens. The position is synchronized across all the screens.

manual/lap-view.1719251534.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/24 19:52 by Staff