You can zoom in and drag the track around to focus in on a particular section.
You can also use the buttons to control the zoom level.
The Position Slider is displayed as a marker at the corresponding location on the track. This marker can be dragged around the track to control the position slider as required.
The navigation buttons can also be used for fine control of the slider position.
A selection of three customisable telemetry parameters are shown at the bottom of the screen with values corresponding to the current Position Slider location.
Enabling the checkbox in front of the parameter will visualise the data as a heat-map on the track. Up to three parameters can be enabled at a time.
The three parameters can be configured with the button at the top.
This will open a Parameter Selection screen showing a searchable list of parameters where you can choose the three available parameters.
This button can be used to toggle the racing line view, showing the exact racing line followed on the track.
Note: This feature may not be available for some games or tracks. Each track in each game is manually processed to support this functionality, and in general we can only do this for tracks that are part of the games' officially released content (and their main DLC).
In comparison mode this will display the lines for both laps on the track providing a useful tool for evaluating different racing lines.
Open the compare window where you can select another recorded lap to compare against.
Show the parameter selection window where you can select which telemetry parameters are available.
The other Lap View screens can be accessed using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Charts - customizable charts that displaying the recorded telemetry for the lap.
Table - a table displaying the numerical recorded lap telemetry.
Stats - customizable numerical statistics of telemetry parameters.